Childrens hospital boston patient pre registration

Should patients or the accompanying adult not possess a valid photo identification, then acceptable alternative forms of identification include:. Once you and your child arrive in one of our admitting or clinic check-in areas, a member of our staff will speak with you and:. Search Term. Menu Button. Recently Visited.

View More Results Loading We recommend you contact your insurance provider to match your PCP with the one you see in our office. Please view our tipsheet about this in our Forms and Policies section.

If you have other questions about your insurance plan, or need help obtaining insurance, please contact our office manager, Kim Peloquin, by calling our office directly at No matter where you deliver, your baby will be seen daily and cared for by the pediatric hospitalist team at that hospital.

When you are admitted for the delivery of your baby, you will be asked who your baby's pediatrician will be. Let them know that you have chosen Commonwealth Pediatrics, and they will contact us about your baby's birth. After delivery, the nurses will give a Vitamin K injection to decrease the risk of bleeding and an antibiotic ointment to decrease the risk of eye infection.

Before discharge, the baby will be screened for heart disease, jaundice, and hearing loss and receive a Hepatitis B vaccination as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The doctor that cared for your baby in the hospital will tell you when they feel your baby should be seen next.

This usually happens days after going home, to make sure your baby is feeding well and that they have not become jaundiced or lost too much weight. We always have room in our schedules to see newborns, seven days a week. We do recommend that you book this appointment before leaving the hospital--please call us at Similar to hospital kiosks, pre-checkin allows you to give us information in advance, saving you time on the day of your visit. You can pre-checkin for visits scheduled within the next 30 days.

Pre-checkin allows you to:. Please do not join until 15 minutes before your appointment time. For technical support, call us at Learn more about virtual visits. You can send non-urgent questions about prescriptions, test results, medical questions, referrals, and follow-up information.

Yes, you can add a document. There is a limit of 10 attachments per message and a 25 MB size limit. You can send photos and videos to your provider the same way you'd send a message — through the medical messages section of the MyChildren's Patient Portal.

There is a 25 MB limit per message, so keep videos to 45 seconds or less. Do not send a message in an emergency or for urgent concerns. If you think your child is having a medical emergency, please call or your local emergency services number. For more information about billing, you can read the Billing FAQs. To update your contact information, go to the Account section of the portal and select My Contact Information. To update your insurance information, go to Billing and select Insurance Summary.

Please note that we will review all insurance changes. For Patients. Patient Resources. MyChildren's Patient Portal. See instructions here. What is your privacy policy? Read our policies and procedures. You will need your own email address.


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